Women with extremely large breasts may become very self-conscious about their appearance and will go to the extent of camouflaging their body shape by wearing baggy clothing, and avoiding social and recreational activities. In some severe cases, women become introverted, reclusive and depressed.
Excessive breast enlargement causes a number of medical problems:
- back, neck and shoulder pain
- poor posture
- skin irritation and infections
- shortness of breath
- difficulty participating in recreational activities
- difficulty fitting bras, swimming costumes and clothes
- social/sexual embarrassment/harassment
Breast reduction surgery is often done for medical reasons, rather than cosmetic reasons.
What is
Breast reduction?
Breast reduction surgery is designed to make large breasts smaller, lighter, symmetrical and more proportionate to the rest of the woman's body. In most cases the darker skin around the nipple is reduced in size and relocates the nipples, and the breast tissue that supports them, to a higher position. The volume-reduced breast is reformed into an aesthetically pleasing shape.
As a result of surgery there will be scars on the breasts but these are carefully placed so that they are relatively inconspicuous once they fade and are hidden by a bra or swim wear.
How breast reduction
is done?
Excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin is removed and the nipple and areola is moved into their new position. The skin from both sides of the breast and around the areola is brought down, shaping the new contour of the breast. Liposuction may be used to remove excess fat from the armpit area. Stitches are usually located around the areola and in a vertical line extending downward. |
Anesthesia |
General anesthesia. |
Hospital stay |
2-3 days |
Operation time |
3-4 hours. |
Recovery |
After surgery, your breasts will be wrapped in an elastic bandage. Sometimes a small suction drain may be placed in each breast to drain off blood and fluids for the first day or two.
The bandages will be removed in a day or two. But the surgical bra is necessary for day and night for two weeks.
Pain & discomfort
You may feel some pain for the first couple of days - especially when you move around or cough - and some discomfort for a week or more.
You can expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and breast skin, caused by the swelling after surgery. This usually improves over the next six weeks or so.
Routine activity
Most women return to their usual activities in two week. However, you must not lift anything for the first two weeks and do no heavy lifting for the first four weeks.
Scar |
For major lift the scar is around the areola and vertically going down from areola for further few inches.
When breast is reduced by liposuction alone there will not be any much visible scar on breasts.
Risk |
Most of the times the complications are usually minor. Still, individuals vary greatly in their anatomy, their physical reactions, and their healing abilities, and the outcome is never completely predictable.
The most common complications following breast reduction include the following:
Fluid collection
This is a collection of serum in small pockets beneath the skin. Generally, the seroma will spontaneously resorb. Occasionally, needle aspiration is necessary.
Infection following breast reduction is uncommon. You will be given a prophylactic antibiotic when undergoing your breast reduction.
Any type of surgery may result in bleeding in the operated area. If the accumulation of blood is small, it may be allowed to absorb by itself or aspiration may be indicated as with a seroma. However, if it is large, formal drainage may be necessary.
Breast asymmetry
It must be emphasized that no pair of breasts ever starts out exactly the same and there will always be some differences after breast reduction surgery. The goal is to minimize these differences.
Contour deformities
These can occur in the breast tissue and result in rippling, divots, and sunken nipples. Sometimes these become less apparent with time.
Inability to breast feed
Interference with or inability to breastfeed may be possible.
Loss of nipple sensation
This is generally a temporary change, but for a small number of patients may be permanent.
Delayed healing
Death (necrosis) of tissue resulting in delayed healing: When blood circulation is inadequate to bring sufficient oxygen to the tissues, some of the tissue (skin, fat or in rare cases even the nipple) furthest away from the blood supply may be lost. Skin necrosis is uncommon in non-smokers.
Any time the skin is opened a scar of some kind results. This may be a good scar (fine white line) or a conspicuous one. Each individual’s healing is different. The surgeon has no influence on the actual formation of a scar. Factors that can influence the quality of healing include smoking, obesity, infection and bleeding.
Result |
Permanent |
Breast Reduction by liposuction only |
Tumescent Liposuction of the Female Breast
Liposuction of the female breast can produce both a significant breast reduction and a moderate but gratifying breast lift. The use of microcannulas permits breast reduction with minimal postoperative pain, rapid postoperative recovery, quick return to normal activities, and virtually no scaring. This breast lift is the result of the reduced weight of the breast, which allows the breasts' natural elastic properties to contract and produce elevation. The breasts do not change shape after tumescent liposuction, they simply become smaller and somewhat elevated.
Advantages of Breast Reduction by liposuction
1) Rapid recovery. The typical patient can return to work and normal social activity within two to three days after surgery
2) Virtually no scars
3) Reduction of 40 to 50 percent of the breast volume
4) Minimal risks of postoperative complications
5) Lifts the breast along with reduction
6) Maintains the original shape of breast
7) Breast feeding will be possible after liposuction
Who is a Good Candidate?
The best candidates for breast reduction by tumescent liposuction have breasts that contain a large proportion of fat.
After menopause, much of the glandular tissue in the breasts is replaced by fatty tissue, thus, old women with large breasts are usually very good candidates for tumescent liposuction of the breasts. Young women who continue to have menstrual periods and are somewhat overweight might also have breasts that contain a significant amount of fat, and therefore would also be good candidates for liposuction of the breasts. The proportion of fat in the female breast can be determined by a mammogram.
Realistic Expectations
Breast reduction by liposuction will produce a smaller version of the breasts that a woman had before liposuction. Liposuction will usually not produce young "perky" breasts.
Man breast reduction |
Gynecomastia is an enlargement or excess of male breast tissue and fat. Gynecomastia affects more than 40 percent of all men, to some varying degree. Enlarged breast tissue in men leads to social embarrassment and physical discomfort. Fat collection in chest region in men is embarrassing for him in swimming pool or when he is wearing tight t shirt. Due to large breast he avoids undressing in public. Male breast reduction can alleviate physical discomfort and may also relieve social distress related to the problem and provides a more sculptured appearance. |
How it is done? |
Small incision is made on skin and special fluid (Tumescent fluid) is injected into the breast area. Few minutes are given to act. It loosens and liquefies the fat and makes it bloodless too. Once the fat is liquefied it is sucked out by special cannula with the help of syringe or machine from the same incision. Pressure garment is given to compress treated area.
Excision of gland
Using liposuction alone for male breast reduction may not be effective for patients whose Gynecomastia results from glandular disorders. In such case breast tissue is removed along with liposuction by very small incision. An incision is made in the areola, the dark area surrounding the nipple. Fat and glandular tissue is removed to create a flatter and firmer chest, contributing to a more masculine contour.
General |
Hospital stay
It’s a day care surgery |
Back to work: 3 to 7 days.
More strenuous activity: 2 to 3 weeks.
Swelling and bruising: 1 to 2 months. |
Fluid accumulations,
Rippling or bagginess of skin,
Superficial loss of skin of areola or nipple |
After care
Pressure garment is to be worn for 6 weeks |
permanent |